Sustainable Farming and Practices Involved with It

Posted by Team QGTI on Jul 27, 2021

Farming is a hot button issue these days. When the average person hears about a farm, they envision a small, family-owned farm with just a few hands doing all the picking. However, with such a significant demand for produce, commercial farming has become the more profitable avenue and those who utilize sustainable farming practices further enhance their reach and overall profitability. Additionally, sustainability in farming has become one of the most important aspects of modern farms. Sustainable farming can be a broad term, but we will look at it and what practices farmers employ to ensure sustainability.

What is a Sustainable Farm?

Sustainable farming is the practice of enhancing farming by utilizing what is already available to the farmer. Sustainable farms employ a variety of methods that not only enhance their crop yield, but also have a positive effect on the environment. This codependent relationship between farmer and crop offers substantial opportunities to grow the farm while growing high volume and high nutritional value cops throughout the year.


Generally, soil is one of the most essential elements for farming. However, in terms of Aquaponics, soil is unnecessary. Aquaponic farming is a sustainable farming practice that involves a symbiotic relationship between aquatic creatures and nutrients they provide for specific plants. An Aquaponic farm raises fish alongside plants. Plants are not placed in soil to grow, but a variable medium such as perlite or gravel. The system runs in a cycle providing nutrients to both plants and animals to grow some impressive produce.

Crop Rotation

Over farming the soil can be a substantial problem. This happens when year after year, crops are placed in the same area and rob the soil of essential nutrients. Farmers attempt to reenergize the soil with added nutrients, but that can only sustain it for so long. Eventually, the soil will be unable to hold nutrients and successfully grow plants. The key is in crop rotation.

For thousands of years, crop rotation has been a practice of farmers, both large scale, and small family farms. Crop rotation is the practice of providing a break to the soil between growing cycles. Each plot of land is given a rest every few growing seasons to sustain it for future use.


In most farming arrangements crops are tilled up annually and new ones planted before each growing season. However, in Permaculture farming, the use of perennial plants is enforced. Fruit trees, shrubs, and nut trees that produce fruit each year help sustain the farm without the need to till up the land. These types of farms can take a substantial amount of time to begin producing crops, but once they do, you can expect an annual yield in mass proportions. Pecan trees, apple trees, peach trees, and similar orchard style produce well into the realm of Permaculture Farming.

Gentle Processing

How a farm grows their food is vitally important to its sustainability, but the overall safety of produce once picked can be of even more importance. Gentle Processing™ is a company dedicated to the health and safety of consumers. Our specialized system involves the use of high energy to process food and make it safe for human consumption. When you employ Gentle Processing™ along with your sustainable farming practices, you empower your farm to provide even more healthy produce to your consumers. How is your produce processed?