How Gentle Processing™ Can Help Modernized Family Farms

Posted by Team QGTI on May 31, 2021

It is easy to go to the grocery store these days and find produce from every part of the globe. This seemingly simple act is something the average consumer often takes for granted. Picking out produce for the family would not be nearly as simple if it were not for the humble family farm. Many customers are under the impression that the family farm has become a thing of the past, not true. Family run farms can still be found everywhere and many smaller farms help to boost local economies and provide ample fresh produce to local markets. The difference in the family run farm today is modernization tactics that help the average farm do more. Here are just some examples of how the family farm has become modernized.

Increased Size

According to the USDA, in the 1800s, the average family farm occupied less than 600 acres. It was managed, primarily by the family along with sharecroppers and hired hands, but today’s family farm encompasses far more space than that. In todays agricultural sect, the average farm is at least 1200 acres and growing as demand for the freshest produce possible increases.

Streamlined Crops

When thinking back to family farms of decades and even centuries ago, these operations were primarily geared toward the family’s survival, so anything that could grow regionally, usually was. Excess could be sold off for profit to pay bills and buy what could not grow naturally. However, in modern times, the family farm has been able to adapt and change their course of action to more cash crops and streamline their produce options to those that will net more of a profit. Soy beans, wheat farms, and corn fields now dominate the family farm genre and it is not uncommon for farmers to alter crops based on current trends.

More Access to Technologically Advanced Equipment

It is rare, these days to see a farm being plowed by a mule or horse. More often than not, you will see high end equipment used to seed, fertilize, water, and harvest crops. The shift in the direction of technology driven equipment is simply like everything else these days. The ability to harvest more without demand for extra labor often outweighs the overall expense of the equipment. The more that can be harvested without additional farm hands, the better profitability for a family farm.

Gentle Processing™

On a family farm, everyone works their hardest to bring in the harvest, but once it has been brought from the fields, it needs to be processed properly and that is where Gentle Processing™ can help make your harvest more profitable than ever before. Our specialized process is safe on all forms of produce and utilizes a unique form of energy source to ensure pests and any possible plant based diseases are eliminated. Best of all, Gentle Processing™ can work for virtually any size farm operation so whether you are a simple family farm, or a high end commercial grade farm, let us help you get more profit from every plant you harvest. Does your family farm need processing help?