In theory, Genetically Modified Foods sound pretty good. They are essentially, natural foods that have been modified to increase their shelf life and reduce the risk of infestations and pathogens getting into the ingredients. However, as we all know, theories do not always translate so perfectly to reality. In reality, today’s Genetically Modified Foods have taken over and more and more people are seeing the harmful effects of injecting chemicals into foods to get them to act they way we want them to.
When Did it All Start?
Every new invention has a beginning and with Genetically Modified Foods, that start was in 1994. The humble beginnings of GM foods started with a common tomato. Calgene introduced the very first genetically modified ingredient as a means of delaying the natural decomposition of the food. The tomato did maintain a longer shelf life, but the industry soon began to focus their attention on GM foods such as cash crops and large scale farms.
Why is That a Bad Thing?
The humble beginnings of Genetically Modified Foods may have begun with great intentions, but with an emphasis on placing these ingredients into large scale farming entities, we are essentially bringing a heavy dose of unnatural organisms into the body’s system. Through many years of ingesting GM Foods, we have seen an increase in the level of allergies, IBS, leaky gut syndrome and many other common conditions now found in humans.
Results of lab tests have proven that animals who are fed GM Foods tend to have a drastically slower immune systems than those that were fed primarily a Genetically Modified Food free diet. Although human tests in this instance are currently unavailable, with so much animal tests proving that Genetically Modified Foods negatively effect the animal immune system why take a chance?
If They are So Bad, Why Are GM Foods Still Out There?
It all comes down to supply and demand. The need for food outweighs the negativity brought by Genetically Modified Foods. Farmers, the world over, rely on GM Food to keep their farms growing. Chemicals in their fertilizers, herbicides, and soil help to alleviate the threat of lost product. GM Foods can survive better in harsh environments and survive natural disasters, but GM Foods are not the only way to alleviate this issue. Gentle Processing™ is the better, healthier option for the world’s food crisis.
Gentle Processing
Trying to get away from Genetically Modified Foods? There are many ways to do this, but too often, Genetically Modified Foods seem to find their way into our daily diet anyway. One way, however, to eliminate the exposure to Genetically Modified Foods is to buy products with the Gentle Processing™ label. Our foods are processed using a scientific method in which Genetically Modified Foods have no place. Food comes out healthier, maintaining more of its natural nutrition, and is void of harmful fungi and bacteria. No need to worry when your food is processed with Gentle Processing™. How is your food processed?