Food Allergies- Are They Related to How Food is Processed Today?

Posted by Team QGTI on Jul 12, 2021

The subject of food allergies has been on ongoing discussion for many years and as the years pass us by, it seems that more and more people are being negatively impacted with increased food allergies. There are a variety of theories as to why more than 32 million Americans have food allergies today, but more and more research suggests a link between how food is processed and food allergies.

Our Natural Immune Response

Our bodies are designed with natural immune responses that work to keep us healthy, but in today’s world, we may have turned a corner, according to a recent Yale study, that may have negatively impacted our natural immune response. The study suggests that over processing and cleaning measures may have re-adjusted our natural immune response and, in turn, overemphasized food allergies within the human race. With a lack of microorganisms and the addition of certain additives for food cleanliness measures, the human body cannot process foods in a natural way. The response can sometimes trigger an allergy to a specific type of food. Essentially, we have become so clean, and over-processed with our food, allergies can be an inevitable fact.


Gluten intolerance has increased drastically in recent years. It is now estimated that up to 13% of all Americans have some form of gluten intolerance. Part of this problem can actually be linked to a process called Hybridization. In the 1960s, the Nobel Peace Prize was given to Norman Borlaug. His research into the process of Hybridization produced more wheat per acre than the natural process of growing wheat. Where this might sound like a great thing to incorporate a process to produce more wheat, the result was actually negative. Hybridized wheat was a genetic manipulation of the natural wheat and has been linked to an increase in gluten intolerance today.

Infant Exposure

On the subject of gluten intolerance, studies now suggest that gluten in infant foods might attribute to the notable increase in gluten intolerance. Sensitivity to gluten can be a genetic issue as well as an environmental one. Today’s modern infant foods often contain gluten, but holistic physicians are now suggesting that families with a history of gluten intolerance hold off introducing gluten foods to their babies until they reach 18 months. It is suggested that gluten intolerance can be triggered through early introduction before the child is able to process those foods naturally.

Gentle Processing™

More evidence is certainly needed to determine if a true link between how food is processed and the notable increase in food allergies. However, how food is processed can certainly positively or negatively impact the overall quality of food and simply relying on current sanitation practices is not enough. Gentle Processing™ is working to do more to help consumers enjoy safer foods on all fronts. Our specialized system ensures any microorganisms or bacteria is completely eradicated from food making it truly safe for consumers. Gentle Processing™ does not utilize unnatural chemicals to process foods for safe human consumption. Are you sensitive to food processing measures?